Aside from nasal congestion, during a cold you may feel ear pain. These conditions can be very disturbing comfort. Actually, what causes ear pain when the flu? Check out the following review.
Basically, the nose, throat, and ears are interconnected with one another through a connecting channel called the eustachian tube. Well, because of this connection, interference with one part will affect the other parts.
Many people think that a stroke only occurs in the brain. In fact, a stroke can also attack the eye. One of the causes of eye strokes is the blockage of blood vessels leading to the retina. There are several types of strokes that commonly attack the eye, and one of them is central retinal occlusion. Just like a stroke in general, eye strokes are caused by a blockage or rupture of blood vessels leading to the eye. These conditions make the blood supply to the retina reduced, thereby causing interference with vision, even blindness. Getting to know the common types of strokes attacking the eye Based on the location of the blocked blood vessels, eye strokes can be divided into several types, namely: Central retinal occlusion This type of eye stroke occurs due to a blockage in the main blood vessels leading to the eye nerve. These conditions cause the eye nerves to not get blood supply. Most cases of eye strokes due to central retinal occlusion occur unnoticed because they do not ...
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